3D Cube Rendering w/ LCD TFT 3,2" Arduino Mega2560 + Joystick + ADXL345 Accel Sensor

Author : Ila MulyandiNo comments

3D Cube Rendering w/ LCD TFT 3,2" Arduino Mega2560 + Joystick + ADXL345 Accel Sensor

Langsung aja cekidot Sourch Codenya..

#include <Wire.h>  // i2C Connection Library
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> // Adafruit Sensor for ADXL345
#include <Adafruit_ADXL345_U.h> // ADXL345 Library

Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified accel = Adafruit_ADXL345_Unified(12345);

#define BLACK 0x0000
#define WHITE 0xFFFF

#include <TFT_HX8357.h> // LCD UHD 3,2" Mega Shield Library

TFT_HX8357 tft = TFT_HX8357();       // Invoke custom library

int16_t h;
int16_t w;

int inc = -2;

float xx, xy, xz;
float yx, yy, yz;
float zx, zy, zz;

float fact;

int Xan, Yan;

int Xoff;
int Yoff;
int Zoff;

struct Point3d
  int x;
  int y;
  int z;

struct Point2d
  int x;
  int y;

int LinestoRender; 
int OldLinestoRender; 
struct Line3d
  Point3d p0;
  Point3d p1;

struct Line2d
  Point2d p0;
  Point2d p1;

Line3d Lines[20];
Line2d Render[20];
Line2d ORender[20];


char c;
uint8_t mode = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode (A2,INPUT_PULLUP); digitalWrite (A2,HIGH);

    /* There was a problem detecting the ADXL345 ... check your connections */
    //Serial.println("Ooops, no ADXL345 detected ... Check your wiring!");
  sensors_event_t event; 
  h = tft.height();
  w = tft.width();




  fact = 180 / 3.14159259; // conversion from degrees to radians.

  Xoff = 240; 
  Yoff = 160;
  Zoff = 350; //Ukuran Kubus

void loop() {
if (Serial.available()){
c = Serial.read();
if (c=='1') mode=1;
if (c=='0') mode=0;

  // Rotate around x and y axes in 1 degree increments
if (mode==0){
  // Rotate around x and y axes with joystick
  Xan = map(analogRead(A0),0,1023,0,360);
  Yan = map(analogRead(A1),0,1023,0,360);
if (mode==1){
  // Rotate around x and y axes with gyro sensor
  sensors_event_t event; 
  Xan = map((event.acceleration.x*100),-1000,1000,360,0);
  Yan = map((event.acceleration.y*100),-1000,1000,360,0);
  Yan = Yan % 360;
  Xan = Xan % 360; // prevents overflow.

  SetVars(); //sets up the global vars to do the 3D conversion.

  // Zoom in and out on Z axis within limits
  // the cube intersects with the screen for values < 160
  if (digitalRead(A2)== LOW ) {Zoff += inc; 
  if (Zoff > 500) inc = -1; 
  else if (Zoff < 160) inc = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < LinestoRender ; i++)
    ORender[i] = Render[i];
    ProcessLine(&Render[i], Lines[i]);


void RenderImage( void)
  for (int i = 0; i < OldLinestoRender; i++ )
    tft.drawLine(ORender[i].p0.x, ORender[i].p0.y, ORender[i].p1.x, ORender[i].p1.y, BLACK); // erase the old lines.

  for (int i = 0; i < LinestoRender; i++ )
    uint16_t color = TFT_BLUE;
    if (i < 4) color = TFT_RED;
    if (i > 7) color = TFT_GREEN;
    tft.drawLine(Render[i].p0.x, Render[i].p0.y, Render[i].p1.x, Render[i].p1.y, color);
  OldLinestoRender = LinestoRender;


void SetVars(void)
  float Xan2, Yan2, Zan2;
  float s1, s2, s3, c1, c2, c3;

  Xan2 = Xan / fact; // convert degrees to radians.
  Yan2 = Yan / fact;

  s1 = sin(Yan2);
  s2 = sin(Xan2);

  c1 = cos(Yan2);
  c2 = cos(Xan2);

  xx = c1;
  xy = 0;
  xz = -s1;

  yx = (s1 * s2);
  yy = c2;
  yz = (c1 * s2);

  zx = (s1 * c2);
  zy = -s2;
  zz = (c1 * c2);


void ProcessLine(struct Line2d *ret, struct Line3d vec)
  float zvt1;
  int xv1, yv1, zv1;

  float zvt2;
  int xv2, yv2, zv2;

  int rx1, ry1;
  int rx2, ry2;

  int x1;
  int y1;
  int z1;

  int x2;
  int y2;
  int z2;

  int Ok;

  x1 = vec.p0.x;
  y1 = vec.p0.y;
  z1 = vec.p0.z;

  x2 = vec.p1.x;
  y2 = vec.p1.y;
  z2 = vec.p1.z;

  Ok = 0; // defaults to not OK

  xv1 = (x1 * xx) + (y1 * xy) + (z1 * xz);
  yv1 = (x1 * yx) + (y1 * yy) + (z1 * yz);
  zv1 = (x1 * zx) + (y1 * zy) + (z1 * zz);

  zvt1 = zv1 - Zoff;

  if ( zvt1 < -5) {
    rx1 = 256 * (xv1 / zvt1) + Xoff;
    ry1 = 256 * (yv1 / zvt1) + Yoff;
    Ok = 1; // ok we are alright for point 1.

  xv2 = (x2 * xx) + (y2 * xy) + (z2 * xz);
  yv2 = (x2 * yx) + (y2 * yy) + (z2 * yz);
  zv2 = (x2 * zx) + (y2 * zy) + (z2 * zz);

  zvt2 = zv2 - Zoff;

  if ( zvt2 < -5) {
    rx2 = 256 * (xv2 / zvt2) + Xoff;
    ry2 = 256 * (yv2 / zvt2) + Yoff;
  } else
    Ok = 0;

  if (Ok == 1) {

    ret->p0.x = rx1;
    ret->p0.y = ry1;

    ret->p1.x = rx2;
    ret->p1.y = ry2;


void cube(void)
  // Front Face.

  Lines[0].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[0].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[0].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[0].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[0].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[0].p1.z = 50;

  Lines[1].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[1].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[1].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[1].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[1].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[1].p1.z = 50;

  Lines[2].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[2].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[2].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[2].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[2].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[2].p1.z = 50;

  Lines[3].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[3].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[3].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[3].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[3].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[3].p1.z = 50;

  //back face.

  Lines[4].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[4].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[4].p0.z = -50;
  Lines[4].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[4].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[4].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[5].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[5].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[5].p0.z = -50;
  Lines[5].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[5].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[5].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[6].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[6].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[6].p0.z = -50;
  Lines[6].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[6].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[6].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[7].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[7].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[7].p0.z = -50;
  Lines[7].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[7].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[7].p1.z = -50;

  // now the 4 edge lines.

  Lines[8].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[8].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[8].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[8].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[8].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[8].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[9].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[9].p0.y = -50;
  Lines[9].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[9].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[9].p1.y = -50;
  Lines[9].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[10].p0.x = -50;
  Lines[10].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[10].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[10].p1.x = -50;
  Lines[10].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[10].p1.z = -50;

  Lines[11].p0.x = 50;
  Lines[11].p0.y = 50;
  Lines[11].p0.z = 50;
  Lines[11].p1.x = 50;
  Lines[11].p1.y = 50;
  Lines[11].p1.z = -50;

  LinestoRender = 12;
  OldLinestoRender = LinestoRender;


Posted On : Sunday, February 5, 2017Time : 10:04 PM
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